"Train up a child in the way he should go." Proverbs 22:6
Today's meditation urges parents and guardians to be aware of your child's relationships, interests, environment, and their strengths.
I would add that it is also important to expose your child to as many wide and varying experiences as possible. Don't limit your child to your experiences - positive or negative. Teach them the importance of exploration: travel by train, bus, car, airplane, and boat. Show them mountains, valleys, rivers, and fields. Spend time with them at the ocean, the beach, and even in a rain forest. As early as possible get them a passport and teach them they are a world citizen. Travel to a foreign country - Canada is very close. Montreal will provide them with a French City feel.
Do not permit them to dislike any academic subject. Teach them mathematics and particularly have them learn the multiplication tables by memory. Instill in them the desire to read continuously. Give them pencils and a sketch board and encourage them to draw.
Teach them to write in a journal their thoughts and dreams. Writing is so critical that they must learn to enjoy it early.
Teach them to respect their bodies and to exercise regularly.
As early as possible teach them to explore and learn to love science. Teach them the elements and give them a computer, microscope and telescope.
Force yourself to teach them about their family history, both sides of the family. Genealogy is important and knowing your lineage is critical.
Involve them in group activities and develop within them leadership skills, followship skills and the social skills of group interaction.
Develop within them an awe and respect for God. Religious education will lead to moral character and it is important for children to learn the difference between right and wrong, and also, the value of keeping and honoring their word.
Finally teach them to recite passages, poems, and great literary work by memory. Developing the mind is critical to learning.
Training a child is definitely a 24/7 task, but if it is done correctly, it is the greatest accomplishment in the world.