"Be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only." James 1:22
The meditation this morning deals with the idea of becoming spiritually bored. The implication is when one only hears the word of God without doing the will of God, it leads to one becoming spiritual bored. I will take the inference of today's meditation a step further. I believe one becomes spiritually bored when they refuse to hear or read the word of God. For me a clear symptom of spiritual boredness is when one refuses to encounter the source of spiritual activity. Spiritual activity is when the deep within your encounters the presence of a living God. There is an axiom that says, "action to an organization is like blood is to the body." Allow me to make an adjustment in that statement: "spiritual action in the body comes from a spiritual encounter with the ultimate Actor." When one has had a true encounter with the divine, I believe all boredom is gone and life becomes a series of exciting encounters with Him who loves you beyond measure. First hear the word, read the word, learn the word, live the word and do the word everyday of one's life and you will never experience spiritual boredness!