If you desire for change in your environment, you first have to change you. Too often people who want change blame others when their actions, attitudes and attribute remain static. They have not changed.
Change begins with your spiritual perspective. It then recognizes how best to act to transform the situation. How you think and feel has a tremendous impact on what you do. I once worked for a housing organization and was doing an interview with a news reporter. The reporter asked me what the problem was I said the vacant eyesores. After the interview the camera man pulled me to the side and said I should not think of the vacant houses as eyesores, but rather as housing opportunities.
This change in my perspective transformed how I looked at my environment and propelled me into a career as a community economic developer. For me when I look at a half glass of water, it is not half empty, but is half full. I see positives while others may see negatives. By changing me, my perspective of the environment has changed. Consequently I believe my impact has been greater.
So many people adopt negative lifestyles, negative habits, and negative opinions; largely because of their negative spirits. Change you and you can change the world you live in.
Three biblical persons come to mind who first had to change themselves and from that point began to change the world. Moses in Exodus 3, Isaiah in Isaiah 6, and Paul in Acts 9; all underwent a spiritual change and from that point began to change the world.
Think about all the good that would occur in life if you made the commitment to change you today.