In life when one is in trouble and you are beginning to sink, you know you are going down even when others do not see the evidence of your going down. You are beginning to sink and the foundations that are your supports are starting to give way.
It's a lonesome feeling when you are experiencing your decline, imagining your descent, and knowing your demise without benefit of any cushion to soften the fall. You are beginning to sink. While others may surround you they may not be aware that you are on the verge of drowning.
What do you do when you are beginning to sink?
Peter had this experience and reading his narrative in Matthew 14:28 - 30 (NIV). "Lord, if it's you," Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water." "Come," he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!"
The early perception of danger is the most important time to enter a petition to God. The brevity of prayer does not weaken its strength if it is sincere and spoken from a spirit that loves The Lord. The Lord knows your situation even when others close to you may be unaware. Peter perceived danger in the unseen wind. Are you so tuned into life that you can see unseen danger? People may feel the wind, but are you able to see it in a distance. Too often danger is right at our door before we are aware of it. With high spiritual antenna you will be able to see the shifts occurring in the atmosphere by the evil one. That's the movement to lift you voice, heart, and spirit to God and cry out, "Lord, save me!"