"and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed." Genesis 12: 3b
The quality time that families spend together is precious; particularly, when it's your extended family. I long for the day when we are just family. No distinctive labels: in-laws, cousins, etc. Just family! Sister Sledge once sang, "We are Family." I truly love each member of my family, their differences that make each of them unique, their sense of unity that keeps us connected, and their love that strengthens us every single day. There is an internal joy when you meet and greet members of your family. It communicates to you that in God's grand design; he wants us to understand that we are bonded together in a mosaic of mutuality. May God continue to bless the members of my family: my biological family, my extended family, my spiritual family, my church family, my collegial family, my political family, my clergy family, my business family, my facebook family, and my family of friends. Happy Thanksgiving!!!