Bishop T. D. Jakes preached last night for Bishop Walter Scott Thomas' Pre-Anniversary. This month marks one year from when New Psalmist marched into the Holy City of Zion.
Bishop Jakes is one of the most accomplished biblical story tellers of our time. He wears his success humbly and exudes the confidence of one walking in God's favor. He preached from a familiar text the story of David and Goliath. His principle point was that a giant is always standing in front of the gate of your opportunity to move to a new level in God. He preached that you should kill the giant, instead of allowing the giant to kill you. Bishop Jakes has mastered the art form of preaching to mass congregations and integrating crowd response into his sermonic presentations.
He provided antidotes of how God has blessed his ministry: the building of his church and paying it off within three years, a five movie deal with Sony, and his wife's novel on the best selling Christian list. Bishop T. D. Jakes filled the Sanctuary with spirited filled people.
May God continue to bless Bishop Thomas and the New Psalmist Baptist Church! They are home to some of the nicest people in the area.