"He went out to the field one evening to meditate." Genesis 24:63
We would all know more, live nearer to God, be better, and grow in grace if we spent more quality time alone. Meditation chews the cud and extracts the real nutriment from the mental food gathered throughout your life's journey. Meditate helps you to find your center and prayerfully your center rests secure in the hands of God. Meditate is a prelude to contemplation. That's where you make a proper assessment of where you are and whose you are. Too many hasty decisions have created problems. Furthermore, many thoughtless acts have led to serious consequences and repercussions. An old song by the Softones would say, "count to ten."
The text informs us to get out of our little corners and to go into the wide expanse of the fields. It is there you see the handy work of the Creator and discern your place in God's world.
Furthermore, recognize that the meditation took place at night. Prior to going to sleep, it permitted an honest assessment of the day, a review of your interactions with people, and a benchmark to determine what did you really accomplish that moved you closer to God.
You should spend at least an hour in walking through the garden of a field in prayer and meditation. Watch the setting of the sun and allow it to excite your sense of awe and wonder. Yes, God is everywhere. He can meet you on a crowded street or even in your little room. Nevertheless, if you desire to go to meet Him. Take the time to meditate in a garden as the evening dusk overcomes the sky.