Becoming fodder on talk show radio and journalistic blogs was the recent endorsement of members of the Interdenominational Minster's Alliance of Mayor Stephanie Rawlings Blake. It is reported that Senator Catherine Pugh challenged the selection process. At the crux of the matter is the endorsement process did not follow the organizations' historic procedures. I will agree that is unfortunate. The IMA and its leaders must be careful that they are not above critique, and their actions must be above reproach. There was a period in time when it was necessary for clergy to provide political guidance to the African American community. There was a time when it was necessary to galvanized people to vote for a candidate who promised to place agenda item's front and center who supported the African American community. Organizations, such as the IMA, actually ran candidates for public office. With the sophistication of the political process and campaign tactics, the real problem is that the IMA didn't keep up with the times. Their process is “old school” and “old school” is out of date for these times.