Strength and Courage

Posted by Unknown Tuesday, April 12, 2011

"Be strong and very courageous." Joshua 1:7

Given all the news of this day, it appears to be much to worry about. The news from Japan only gets worse. The news of war American is involved in all over the world leads to destruction. The economy is showing no signs of recovery for whose boats are suck at the bottom. Violence goes unabated and its next victim may be someone you know.

Still the word of God comes to us to be strong and very courageous because God is with us. News and events are only temporary. God is eternal. Each battle we fight provides for God another victory to win. In these tough economy times, I have been able to give and save. Why? I keep my attention on Him, and His word commands me to be strong and very courageous.

Be strong in my faith and courageous as I confront the many battles of the day. I must admit that Satan is busy. Nevertheless, I am aware of his devices. I have committed myself to God and therefore, I can resist the devil, his imps and all of his tricks and traps.

God’s strength and courage are available to you this morning.


  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. YES, LORD..I remember @ Penn Ave, Pastor Proctor:now, BISHOP- teaching me that we needed to be watchful of the enemy and his crafty ways as well...And YOUR following it UP by showing me the differEnce of being a believer & a FOLLOWER ........WHAT A MIGHTY GOD WE SERVE:truly, HE ORDERS OUR STEPS!&&& GUIDES our thoughts--->that WE ARE PROVIDED with HIS HIGHEST GOOD.


  3. Brock R Says:
  4. Thanks for posting this to your blog


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