"The Lord is King forever and ever." Psalm 10:16
As the political leadership negotiates the level of pain to place upon the people with threats of a government shutdown; those in the faith can rest assured that the last word is not with them, but it's with God.
I pray for a sense of reason within the Republican and Democratic leadership. One Congressman informed me that the "Tea Party" crowd has come to Washington with one goal in mind to hamper the progress being made, to embarrass the President, and to cut all areas they deem are entitlements to the poor.
There is a new level of mean spiritedness.
For example, the proposed cuts to The Head Start program will mean that the program our church is responsible for will have to endure a 22% cut. That will mean possibly releasing six people and serving 34 fewer children.
With bombing going on in Libya, Afghanistan, and Iraq, our priorities are out of whack.
Nevertheless, I convinced that God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven.