Mr. Brandon Davies is a star player with Brigham Young University's basketball team. He was recently dismissed from the team for having sex with his girlfriend. When one attends BYU, they make a commitment to live a "chaste life and virtuous life which includes abstaining from alcohol beverages, tobacco, coffee, tea, and drug abuse." BYU is a school that adheres to the principals of the Mormon religion. With Mr. Davies on the team, the team is nationally ranked. With Mr. Davies off the team, they are mediocre. The problem I have with this situation is the classic question posed by Jesus, "he who is without sin cast the first stone." BYU was willing to tarnish the career of their star basketball player and suggest that in a school of this size he is the only one who has erred in the "standards" they have established. Their claim is that he made a commitment and failed to keep it. Our society is making a dangerous mistake by attempting to make a god out of sin. To be frank, it is very difficult for me to view this matter through any lens but racism.