Many persons have asked me the question, "how do you maintain consistency in your daily walk with God?"
I direct you to Genesis 6:9 (NIV) "Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked with God."
Three keys are found in this text: 1. One must have a prayerful walk with God: learn how to "have a little talk with Jesus and to tell him all about your troubles. He will hear your faintest cry and he will answer by and by." 2. One must have a personal walk with God: "and he walks with me and he talks with me and he tells me that I am his own and the joy we share as we tarry there, none other has ever known." 3. One must have a perpetual walk with God: "when you place your hand to the plow, you can never turn back and be fit for the Kingdom of God."
Three keys to a daily walk with God: it must be prayerful, it must be personal, and it must be perpetual.
Have a blessed day!