President Obama swept into office under the rubric, "The Audacity of Hope." His very presence signaled a change. His speeches were powerful testimonies to visionary thinking. The day of his election saw people: young and old; black, brown, yellow, and white; rich and poor; inner city and rural; blue state and red state; join into an electoral revolution that some thought would change this country forever. We all anticipated that hope was on the horizon.
Do the signs of hope still exist? Do you see the evidence of change creeping into your life, or community? Is hope just a distant dream with the reality of living nightmares so pressing that hope is diminished? Ever time you hear President Obama or see President Obama he oozes with confidence and demonstrates the possibility of hope. Are the voices of the naysayers drowning out this promise - that hope is on the way?
I have learned that the words of the hymn are true,"that my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness. I dare that trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus' name. On Christ the solid rock I stand all over ground is sinking sand."
The hope for this age as has been for all ages is in the blessedness of Jesus Christ.