As Friday approaches I remember a end of the work week ritual called, "Happy Hour."
Happy Hour was when the local tavern would offer discount drinks, 2 for 1, or some inducement to come to their establishment and consume alcoholic beverages for a period of time at that reduced rate. Many people would gather and there would be a sense of merriment and relief that the work week had ended and now was the time to party - "party over here, party over there."
It's been many moons since I have attended a "Happy Hour" event. Nevertheless, I was intrigued by yesterday's "Backyard Summit" on the East lawn of the White House between President Obama, Vice-President Biden, Professor Gates, and Sargent Crowley. The Cambridge arrest of Professor Gates by Sargent Crowley had drawn international attention and comments where made by President Obama at a news conference that drew criticism and increased the intrigue. To diffuse the matter the President's advisers needed an end game and therefore devised the "Happy Hour" now known as the "Backyard Summit." It is interesting to note that drinking beer on the East Lawn by two citizens with the President and Vice-President of the United States as a public gesture makes little sense as to the best use of our nation's leaders time. But in a world of news events and public relations stunts, this was a coup de grace.
I hope Professor Gates and Sargent Crowley enjoyed their "Happy Hour." I don't believe they will every get another.