A biblical ideal in relationships is the concept of "being equally yoked." It's where two individuals are bound in such a way that they operate as one in mind. spirit, and body. Too often it is difficult to walk a path together where each side of the road is equally divided. Most often every relationship requires the other party to give sometimes. Can one give in without losing one's power to say no, cease, or move over? Can one give in and not be relegated to a secondary position? This is the dilemma in relationships: how does one share in the emotional, spiritual, and financial ups and downs, but still remain equally yoked? Yoked in such a way that in tragic and triumph, in pain and passion, in calamity and celebration: you are inseparable, indivisible, and indestructibly united together.
The joy in relationships is the divine quest to continually work it out knowing that the end result is a bond, an adherence, and a unity of spirit and purpose that will stand the test of time.