The recent blizzard in Baltimore, literally shut the town down. People where confined to their living spaces and were unable to travel out of their neighborhoods. I believe television viewership increased significantly as people were able to channel surf. Needless to say we had a lot of time on our hands. My question is did you use the down time to think big time? If you think about it, one of the difficulties in thinking big thoughts is that small people interfere and impact your thought process. Just as soon as you latch onto something, here comes some interrupter to knock you off track.
I hope you didn't miss the blessing contained in this blizzard.
I hope you used the down time to think big time.
I hope you read information that was laying dormant on your shelf.
I hope you wrote in your journal extensively and completely.
I hope you used this time to conceive and plan to use your time more wisely.
I hope you didn't miss the blessing of not being in a ball of confusion.
I hope you used your down time to think big time!
1. The Place
2. The Past
3. The Programs
'The power of the Lord was present to heal them." Luke 5:17 NKJV
Life has taught me, my theological training has affirmed for me, and my faith has instilled in me the power of Jesus Christ being present in your life is able to heal any situation.
As I write this blog I am reminded that maybe every now and then you may need the assistance of someone to bring you into an encounter with His power.
This is the essence of the story. The man's friends spared no ingenuity to arrange for the man to be in the present of Jesus Christ. If it took carrying him on a blanket and even if it took lowering him from the roof, they were determined to have their friend be healed by Jesus.
What if we had that same determination? What if we took the time out, used every means at our disposal, or made definitive plans to bring our precious loved ones and friends to Jesus Christ.
Well this weather experience provides all of you that opportunity. Many people along the east coast will be snowed in at least until Monday. By now, there are some who realize they will not be able to attend church or engage in a worship experience.
We at Union Baptist Church will use two means to connect the community of faith into fellowship with one another.
We will broadcast from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon on the Periscope application. You can download it for free from your phones store. Once it is downloaded, you can connect to the message on Sunday by this address @PastorHathaway.
Some of you may want the experience of listening on the telephone. For you the call in number is (712) 432-1500 access code 1010194#
We will begin worship at 11:00 a.m. and end at 12:00 noon. Bring people to Jesus by sharing this information with them. They can join us where ever them my be.
"We gave way to it and were driven along." Acts 27: 15 NIV
"They threw the ship's tackle overboard." Acts 27: 19 NIV
"We finally gave up all hope." Acts 27: 20 NIV
The meditation reveals that three things happen when you are in a crisis.
1. You drift
2. You discard what's important
3. You despair
It is interesting to look at these steps that one may go through in a crisis. The question is what do you do to counteract these natural emotional responses?
It is not enough to say: don't drift, don't discard, or don't despair, because being in a crisis is very real and upsetting.
Maybe if one is able to address being upset, them maybe you can handle the reality of a crisis.
How do you avoid being upset in the midst of a crisis?
I got to run. I will answer that question in my next blog.
Had an amazing day getting ready for the blizzard, so I had to take care of a few things because I know I very well may be snowed in for a few days.
The question on the table is how do you avoid being upset in the midst of a crisis?
The only antidote for this problem is hope. Not a unrealistic hope, let those persons who bought lottery tickets hoping to win $1.6 Billion. I'm talking about the type of hope we use to sing about, "my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame but holy lean on Jesus' name. On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand."
I ask that you read 2 Corinthians Chapter 1. At verse 7 Paul says these words, "And out hope of you is steadfast, knowing, that as ye are partakers of the sufferings, so shall ye be also of the consolation."
The power of hope is that it is anchored in the reality of God's power to save and secure. Hope is what will keep you from drifting. Hope is what will keep you from discarding. Hope is what saves you from despair.
The proper response to any crisis is to place your hope eternally in God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit!
"We gave way to it and were driven along." Acts 27: 15 NIV
"They threw the ship's tackle overboard." Acts 27: 19 NIV
"We finally gave up all hope." Acts 27: 20 NIV
The meditation reveals that three things happen when you are in a crisis.
1. You drift
2. You discard what's important
3. You despair
It is interesting to look at these steps that one may go through in a crisis. The question is what do you do to counteract these natural emotional responses?
It is not enough to say: don't drift, don't discard, or don't despair, because being in a crisis is very real and upsetting.
Maybe if one is able to address being upset, them maybe you can handle the reality of a crisis.
How do you avoid being upset in the midst of a crisis?
I got to run. I will answer that question in my next blog.
"Train up a child in the way he should go." Proverbs 22:6
Today's meditation urges parents and guardians to be aware of your child's relationships, interests, environment, and their strengths.
I would add that it is also important to expose your child to as many wide and varying experiences as possible. Don't limit your child to your experiences - positive or negative. Teach them the importance of exploration: travel by train, bus, car, airplane, and boat. Show them mountains, valleys, rivers, and fields. Spend time with them at the ocean, the beach, and even in a rain forest. As early as possible get them a passport and teach them they are a world citizen. Travel to a foreign country - Canada is very close. Montreal will provide them with a French City feel.
Do not permit them to dislike any academic subject. Teach them mathematics and particularly have them learn the multiplication tables by memory. Instill in them the desire to read continuously. Give them pencils and a sketch board and encourage them to draw.
Teach them to write in a journal their thoughts and dreams. Writing is so critical that they must learn to enjoy it early.
Teach them to respect their bodies and to exercise regularly.
As early as possible teach them to explore and learn to love science. Teach them the elements and give them a computer, microscope and telescope.
Force yourself to teach them about their family history, both sides of the family. Genealogy is important and knowing your lineage is critical.
Involve them in group activities and develop within them leadership skills, followship skills and the social skills of group interaction.
Develop within them an awe and respect for God. Religious education will lead to moral character and it is important for children to learn the difference between right and wrong, and also, the value of keeping and honoring their word.
Finally teach them to recite passages, poems, and great literary work by memory. Developing the mind is critical to learning.
Training a child is definitely a 24/7 task, but if it is done correctly, it is the greatest accomplishment in the world.
"By this I know that thou favourest me, because mine enemy doth not triumph over me." Psalms 41:11
"The devil doesn't want you to know that God's favor is on your life, or that you've been blessed by Him with all the good things you enjoy."
The role of the devil is to trick you, to trap, you and to tempt you. He is also seeking to deny you, to deter you and to detain you. His mission is to steal, kill and to destroy.
The blessing of God is His grace, mercy and favor.
Too often we give place to the devil that he is not merited. We focus too often on the negative and miss the major blessing of the positive things that are occurring in your life.
Take this early morning as your opportunity to seriously create your prayer journal. In that journal begin to record the many blessing God gives to you daily. Never focus on a negative even though you may feel down, use your prayer journal as the tool to lift your spirits. If nothing comes to mind, search for a scripture to enter, read and to remember.
God is doing great things and He has plans for you!
"If things go well for Babylon, things will go well for you." Jeremiah 29:7 TM
I have met, had lunch and conversation with Professor Peterson who wrote the Message Bible translation. The above verse is from his translation. In this instance, I think he misses the point of the text.
The King James version reads in this manner, "And seek the peace of the city whither I have caused you to be carried away captives, and pray unto the Lord for it: for in the peace thereof shall ye have peace." Jeremiah 29:7 (KJV)
Therefore, this version communicate more than to just make the best of it, It commands you to find shalom (peace). The full integration of your will with God's will for your life. Peace is not the absent of tension, I suggest, it is the presence of God in the midst of tension. True peace is what is happening within verses what is happening without.
You could be sitting in the midst of a ball of confusion and still be at peace with yourself.
Okay if you like the title of this blog, allow me to provide some more clarity to it.
If making the best of a situation means you are seeking God in that situation, that for me that is making the best it!
"Father, I have sinned." Luke 15:18 NIV
Sin is essentially missing the mark. As a result we miss the mark all the time. That is what makes us sinners. Scripture reminds us, "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." Romans 3: 23
Without the merciful grace of God we would all be condemned to eternal damnation.
Jesus' sacrifice for our sins gives us another chance. As a result if we humble ourselves and seek Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, God forgives and restores us because of Jesus' advocacy for us.
The text demonstrates, God as the Father's and His willingness to forgive and restore. The triune nature of God helps us to understand, because Jesus is telling the story, it is only because of the sacrifice of Jesus on our behalf that the story can end as it does - with forgiveness and restoration.
Our challenge is to go and sin no more!